Dialogue with Our Member (JPS Freight Solution Limited)
0Dialogue with Our Member (JPS Freight Solution Limited)
JPS Freight Solution Limited is one of the subsidiaries of JPS Group (Hong Kong) Limited, the other is JPS Transportation (HK) Limited. Mr. Charles LIANG, the General Manager of JPS Group revealed three main reasons why the Company has divided into three individual trademarks. First, to let the companies having concrete management strategies, plans and direction. Second, clearly define the Company’s business model so that customers can choose the services they need. Third, build up the strong brand identities. These would help customers understand the differences between the three companies and the different type of services that provided. |
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For instance, while JPS Freight Solution Limited experts in the field of airfreight and warehousing, JPS Transportation (HK) Limited in charge of cargo pick-up and delivery on both airfreight and logistics. Making the group as an integrated service provider as well as helping clients and fellow workers to be clear the Companies’ objective.
JPS Group’s Management and Employees team are possessed over 10-30 years’ experience, all knowledgeable and professionals in freight and logistics industry. The mission and vision are treat their clients at first priority and devoted in providing high quality, capable and comprehensive logistics services as good as a one-stop service provider.
Mentioning the source of clients and the reason why they would continue to use JPS service, Charles had given two major tips:
- Go with the Times
By applying new information technologies, a cloud server has been built as a platform for cargos’ information (e.g. cargos’ weight and condition upon received by warehouse) can be retrieved in real-time. Clients may check this information by logging into the server through web-based application instantaneously.
On the other hand, clients could place orders and specify any requirements which access to web-based. Through the cloud server, the orders would be delivered to our control team in real-time. To save up time and paperless, order and necessary information (included document, if applicable) will be received by assigned driver through mobile app. Upon the job completed, the driver will respond through mobile app. as well as input any charges where applicable. - Safety Priority
Security and Safety are always at priority. JPS dedicated to reach four highest TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards of warehouse facilities, including FSR – Level A (Facility Security Requirements), TSR – Level A (Trucking Security Requirements), ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 28000. At the same time, the company also participated in the “Occupational Safety and Health Ambassador”.
Recently, under the circumstances that a new regulation had been created by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), not just results in lively discussion among Hong Kong Government and other logistics and supply chain companies, but prescribed standards and specific requirements for x-ray screening machine are also not entirely clear. Charles added that the main reason why becoming a SCSA member, is to exchange the newest information of supply chain safety and security from all over the world which could help their company faces the challenges on international security standards and responses to any changes quickly and efficiently.
In response to clients and market demand, JPS Group has a wide range of safety and security certifications to build company’s strength and raise competitiveness. Customer base has also been expanded gradually. By constantly communicating with clients through different mediums, JPS therefore understand their requirements, offer them most suitable solutions and needed services. Concurrently, maintaining the existing source of customer and growing company’ business.
If you want to join SCSA, you can contact at info@scsasecurity.org or (852) 2750 5358.
與會員的對話(JPS Freight Solution Limited)
JPS Freight Solution Limited為JPS Group (Hong Kong) Limited旗下兩間子公司之一,而另一子公司則為JPS Transportation (HK) Limited。總經理Charles透露這樣劃分成三個品牌的原因包括為了讓各公司擁有更準確的營運方針、釐清所負責的不同範疇及建立清晰的公司品牌和定位,令客戶能夠清楚分辨不同公司所提供的服務、了解所需的服務對應哪一間公司。 例如JPS Freight Solution Limited是負責空運範疇的倉儲業務及集装板箱等,而JPS Transportation (HK) Limited則是貨物運送及物流等等,令公司達至健全的架構之餘員工亦清楚自己的工作崗位。 |
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JPS Group的員工們擁有累積多年的經驗,非常了解客戶所需,他們懷著以客為本的理念,致力提供優質、適合和全面的物流服務,一站式幫助客戶解決物流相關問題。
提及到客戶的來源以及甚麼原因讓他們繼續選用JPS 的服務,Charles又再透露兩大秘訣:
- 與時並進
跟隨最新的科技趨勢,在倉儲管理方面運用了雲端系統發佈貨物到站時的資訊(例如:貨物的重量、狀況),讓員工可透過公司的手機應用程式登入系統即時查閱相關資料。而在貨物配送方面,客戶亦可根據不同需要,透過手機應用程式選擇收貨或送貨。經過伺服器即時傳送到負責司機手上,各項收費及其他特別要求亦會一一列明。 - 安全至上
致力把倉庫提升到國際組織 – 運輸資產保護協會(TAPA)和國際標準化組織(ISO)中四種認證的最高級別,分別是FSR(貨運安全要求)、TSR(貨車安全要求)、ISO9001:2015和ISO 28000。
JPS Group因應市場和客戶的需要,具備多種且齊全的安全認證有助提升公司的實力和競爭力,公司客戶網絡亦因此而遂漸擴闊,加上恆常透過不同媒介與客戶聯絡和保持溝通,提供他們最需要和適合的服務,達至維持現有客戶來源的同時,爭取更多的生意,開拓更多的客源。
如要加入SCSA,可致電 (852) 2750 5358 或電郵至info@scsasecurity.org。