Dialogue with Our Members (Sui Jun International Limited)
0Dialogue with Our Members (Sui Jun International Limited)
Sui Jun International Limited (SJ) is a logistics service company established in 1990. They are always providing an elaborative service to their clients. The General Manager Harry Ma had briefly talked through about their structure, they have seven branches under SJ international, which aim to bring comprehensive service to different clients with concentration on different field. By now, their business scope reaches to mainland China and South-East Asia. The SJ team, with their uniform neat and tidy, is always providing quality service to their clients. Throughout these years, SJ built a trustful reputation that is keeping them in the top-tier among this industry. |
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SJ was an old-fashioned logistics 30 years ago that mainly focused on shipping and trucking. Since then, SJ kept expanding their business to an integrated logistics service provider. Being innovative and uniqueness are the company’s direction. These mindsets helped them to get involved in multi-dimensions. Today, SJ Group is providing quality services like international freight, express, and even e-commerce to their clients.
SJ have a group of administrative whom are relatively young, and they are to carry out innovative reforms. They established a cross-border warehouse model about 7 years ago; where they break down the procedures into different components and then assigned to each warehouses. Such model makes the operation in the supply chain smoother. In technical aspect, they also established a system called ERP. This system allows them to completely manage their operated cargos from the beginning to destination. Not only does ERP reduce the time and cost of data entry by the clients, it also boosts the overall effectiveness. It is a win-win situation for both ends by lowering manual handling.
In addition, SJ Group has a clear structure that the colleagues are having a close relationship. The administrative can collect feedbacks about the system from their employees. On top of this cornerstone, they can modify their systems and meet clients’ demands in an effective way properly.
Harry denoted that the escalating security standards is the biggest challenge in the logistics industry. These changes will increase their cost, but he also knows that it could enhance safety for both their frontier’s and their clients’ asset. He hopes that the industry will cooperate with this safety security requirements, and build a consummate standard together.
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Lastly, he said one of his friends introduced SCSA to him. By becoming a SCSA member, he wants to obtain more professional certificates, such as TAPA FSR, to meet the increasing demands of security. By joining SCSA, members enjoy a number of benefits, such as entitlement to conference and seminar, networking platform and more. |
If you want to join SCSA, you can contact at info@scsasecurity.org or (852) 2750 5358.
與會員的對話 (昭津國際有限公司)
昭津國際有限公司是一家成立於1990年的物流服務公司。他們不斷為客戶提供優質的服務。總經理Harry Ma簡要介紹了他們公司的結構,他們在昭津國際母公司旗下設有7個子公司,并專注於不同的領域,旨在為不同的客戶提供全面服務。 到目前為止,他們的業務範圍已擴展到中國大陸和東南亞。昭津的團隊穿上整齊劃一的制服,為客戶提供優質的服務。昭津多年來信譽良好,令他們長期保持在該行業的頂級水平。 |
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在訪問的尾聲,他說他的一個朋友向他介紹了SCSA這個協會。成為SCSA的會員後,他希望為昭津取得更多專業認證,例如TAPA FSR認證,以滿足日益增長的安全標準。通過成為SCSA會員可享有更多許多福利,例如參與會議和研討會,擴闊社交網絡平台等等。
如果您想加入SCSA,可以通過info@scsasecurity.org或(852)2750 5358與我們聯繫。