Press Release 2015
Li-CAT Certification Award Ceremony (Press Release 26 Oct 2015) Owing to the fact
that most of the lithium batteries are manufactured and shipped from China,
amid with the multi-levels of supply chain consolidation mode, it results in
an on-going concern on hidden dangerous goods from inaccurate declaration and
misdeclaration. The situation is deteriorated by
the emergence of counterfeit or recycle lithium goods which are only possible
to be identified through laboratory examination; if not arose from an
accident. The aviation safety-threatening clock is ticking. In view of this,
the Supply Chain Security Association (SCSA) initiates a ‘Lithium Battery
Certification for Air Transport (Li-CAT)’ Scheme aiming to regulate professional
practice code for air transportation of lithium batteries and enhance the
industry-wide safety best practices. The programme encompasses development of
various measures that enhance safety with minimal hassle for honest and
responsible supply chain stakeholders. It is envisaged that the programme
will enable agents to seize business opportunities under safe and secure
condition so as to maximize competitiveness. More importantly is to establish
an objective and impartial standard, thus enabling a sustainable industrial
development. Li-CAT Award
Presentation Ceremony was held by the Supply Chain Security Association on 14
Oct 2015 at “The Salisbury” – YMCA of Hong Kong. The first batch of twelve
freight forwarders was qualified as Certified Companies, through strict
approval and on-site auditions. In today’s fluctuating global freight market,
the Certified Companies are certainly the leading models. Especially under
severe fluctuations in the global market, being able to maintain such
excellent performance in safety is definitely commendable. ‘Our company has
improved in various ways during the application for the Li-CAT certification.
In order to fulfill the Li-CAT documentation requirement and on-site
validation, our internal procedures and safety & security measures have
been further enhanced’ said Jonathan Lopes, General Manager of DT Logistics
(Hong Kong) Limited, one of the Certified Companies. ‘I believe this
certification can enhance the safety standard and awareness of the industry.’
Mr. Jimmy Pang,
Vice President of Supply Chain Security Association, stated that ‘The Li-CAT
certification has followed the association’s high standard screening
criteria.’ He emphasize, ‘We do not begrudge giving applause, but we will not
compromise in our certification requirements.’ He added ‘Applicants will have
to fulfill the certification requirement, at the same time demonstrate a good
practice towards the industrial safety and economic interest. The Association
hopes to initiate the establishment of a “White List” mechanism, to strive a balance between industrial safety and the
overall economic benefit. The “screening out” mechanism which have been using
by the industry is already outmoded. The screening process is time-consuming
and not effective, which showed a hindering effect on the industrial
development. The event
organizer, Supply Chain Security Association, will organize an Air Cargo
Safety Month in November 2015. There will be a series of events to promote
the awareness of air cargo safety, such as Air Cargo Safety Charter, Safety
& Security Seminar, etc. All related parties will be welcomed to join the
events. 2015 Li-CAT空運鋰電池証書頒獎典禮 (新聞稿,10月26日) 鑒於中國是民用鋰電池的主要生產地,並由國內發貨,加上供應鏈多層合併的運作模式,導致隱藏危險品、沒有正確申報、漏報或錯報等問題日趨嚴重。更甚,層出不窮的冒牌鋰電池或經重新包裝的鋰電池貨物教人難以區別,令涉及鋰電池的意外有上升趨勢,尤如對本港貨運業佈下無聲「地雷」,致航空安全受到莫大威脅。有見及此,供應鏈保安協會始創「空運鋰電池證書」(Lithium Battery Certification for Air Transport, Li-CAT),針對業界對空運鋰電池之專業操作規範,加強其正確安全意識。透過公開、公平、公正的認證規範,除了保障誠實、負責任的供應鏈持份者之安全,從而減低空運鋰電池對航空界的潛在威脅,令業界能在安全情況下把握商機,化危為機,保持競爭力,最重要的是建立客觀、公正之標準,營造業界良性的健全發展。 Li-CAT空運鋰電池証書頒獎典禮由「供應鏈保安協會」主辦,於10月14日(週三)中午12:00於香港基督教青年會三樓韓頓廳舉行頒獎典禮。在是次頒獎典禮活動中,十二家航空貨運公司經過嚴謹批核及實地審視後成為首批獲認證的企業。在今日波動劇烈的全球貨運市場中,能夠脫穎而出當是經過千錘百鍊的佼佼者;尤其在全球大環境波動劇烈下,能在貨運安全方面維持如此優異的表現,更是難能可貴。今天能夠獲獎之企業,都是肯定,更是榮耀。空運鋰電池証書代表企業過去時間貨運安全操作成效傑出;同時,不同企業所制定及採取的措施特色與經理人員操作風格各異,各有各的特色及專長,對香港貨運業界來講,空運鋰電池証書的評選結果,幫助業界對該企業認知有多一層了解,是挑選服務的一項參考。 主辦單位供應鏈保安協會副主席彭偉樂先生指出:是次空運鋰電池証書頒獎典禮,依循協會制訂的高規格篩選標準,甚至更加從嚴,「我們不會吝惜給予掌聲,但該要求的部分,我們也不想打折扣」。申請企業除了必須符合協會制訂的標準外;還需妥善促進業界之安全及經濟權益。協會希望以空運鋰電池証書為業界建立「白名單」之基礎,能同時提高貨運業之安全性與整體效益。因為過住業界一直採用的篩查模式已不合時宜,既費時又失事,無法有效確保貨運安全及維持經濟效益。 頒獎典禮後,主辦單位「供應鏈保安協會」會於十一月舉辦「航空貨運安全月」一系列相關活動,如:航空貨運安全約章、貨運保安安全研討會等活動,屆時將邀請相關單位共襄盛舉。 1), (2015). 12
freight forwarders qualify for Lithium Battery Certification for Air
Transport scheme. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 26 Oct. 2015]. 2) Guangdong
Logistics, (2015). 2015 Li-CAT空運鋰電池証書頒獎典禮. [online] Available at:§ion=cover&page=5
[Accessed 26 Oct. 2015]. 7 October, 2015 Risk
VS Opportunity: In recent years,
first-tier cities in China have increased earmarked funding for developing
airports and ports to share their parts in the rocketing world logistics
industry. In the ever competitive environment, the Hong Kong logistics
industry, being one of the four major local economic pillars, seeks a way out
through a paradigm shift to handling transshipment of high value or those
require special handling. However, the alteration was not as swift as
expected due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure fit. To maintain her
global leading position, the field has no option but to move towards
specialization. Now, a specific type of shipment casts a light on the
industry. The Civil
Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) implemented the newly revised “China
Civil Aviation Transportation of Dangerous Goods” regulations to strengthen
the safety management of dangerous goods transportation. Under new measures,
declaration and inspection procedures for dangerous goods have become more
complicated and thus, taking even longer processing time. As related legal
regulations laid down in Hong Kong were established with reference to the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the export process in Hong
Kong is much less time-consuming. Many electronics or battery exporters
therefore see Hong Kong as a transit port for transshipment, particularly
manufacturers of lithium battery and related electronics (including mobile
phone batteries, power banks, electronic cigarette, etc., which are
classified as Class 9 of dangerous goods). On the other hand, according to
the China Industrial Association of Power Sources (CIAPS), sales of Lithium
battery with a drastic 21.1% increase from 59 Billion in 2013 to 71.5 billion
in 2014. Cargo industry estimated that lithium batteries contained shipments
contribute to 30-40% of monthly revenue, which brings significant profits to
the industry. With the increasing world demand for lithium batteries, the
local logistics industry seems to have a worry-free future, but that is not
the whole story. At present,
loopholes exist in the air cargo security regulations in Hong Kong. Owing to
the fact that most of the lithium batteries are manufactured and shipped from
China, amid with the multi-levels of supply chain consolidation mode, it
results in an on-going concern on hidden dangerous goods from inaccurate
declaration and misdeclaration. The situation is
deteriorated by the emergence of counterfeit or recycle lithium goods which
are only possible to be identified through laboratory examination; if not
arose from an accident. The aviation safety-threatening clock is ticking. In February 2006,
3 crew members were injured and an aircraft was fully damaged from
lithium-battery-fed flames at over 30,000 feet altitude. The UPS freighter
has burnt for 4 hours upon emergency landing at the Philadelphia International
Airport. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that
improper packing and storage of the lithium batteries installed in laptops
shipped on the flight caused the serious accident. The International Air
Transport Association (IATA) cited that, up to 1st July 2015, 28
airlines have taken initiatives to stop carrying bulk lithium battery cargo
on their passenger aircraft. A recent formal message issued by the
America-based aircraft manufacturer, Boeing Company, has warned airlines not to
carry bulk shipments of lithium batteries. In view of this, the Supply Chain
Security Association (SCSA) initiates a ‘Lithium Battery Certification for
Air Transport (Li-CAT)’ Scheme aiming to regulate professional practice code
for air transportation of lithium batteries and enhance the industry-wide
safety best practices. The programme encompasses development of various
measures that enhance safety with minimal hassle for honest and responsible
supply chain stakeholders. It is envisaged that the programme will enable
agents to seize business opportunities under safe and secure condition so as
to maximize competitiveness. Freight forwarders are eligible to apply in the
first phrase. Since its launch in May this year, the Association received
inquiries and applications. After a rigorous onsite review and approval, the
first batch of certified companies comprising of over ten freight forwarders
were ultimately selected. The ‘Li-CAT Award Ceremony
Luncheon’ will be held on the 14th October, 2015. Awarding logistics
companies will receive their certificates in the luncheon in recognition for
their in-house safety best practices taken to handle lithium batteries and
electronic products containing lithium batteries. Apart from the ceremony,
guest speaker will give talk on the 2016’s forecasted trend and new
guidelines for air transport of lithium batteries. Participants will grasp
the latest industrial information. Certified companies will share their air
transport experience of lithium batteries and their international
opportunities brought about. Through interactive exchange of ideas and
experiences, the number of incidents caused by air carriage of lithium
batteries will hopefully reduce. Mr. Jimmy Pang, Vice-president of
the Supply Chain Security Association (SCSA), anticipates that the luncheon
will serve as a platform to gather industry practitioners to share the best
practices in the field and consequently, abate the accident rate. ‘Li-CAT is
the first self-strengthening movement driven by ourselves to reinforce Hong
Kong‘s logistics and supply chain industry, which is increasingly dependent
on cross-border transportation,’ said Jimmy. He adds that the Association
seeks to bring the local logistics industry to a new era by devoting its
effort to nurture more specialists in handling various special cargo. He also
believes that the ceremony luncheon is a prelude to the ‘Lithium Battery
Safety Month’ which will be held in November later this year. The Association
will organize a series of activities to comprehensively strengthen the
industry’s safety awareness on professional handling of lithium batteries by
air carriage. It is launching an appeal to all supply chain entities for
active participation. About Lithium Batteries: Lithium battery and Lithium-ion
battery are becoming increasingly common nowadays; the former one is one-use
disposable battery while the latter one is a rechargeable battery. Due to its
light weight, high energy density, high charge and discharge rate
capabilities and wide range of optimum temperature, they are widely used in
powering electronic devices, such as mobile phones, power banks, digital
cameras, tablets, electronic cigarette, etc. In addition to consumer
electronic products, lithium batteries is also
applied to the military field, automobile industry and aeronautic industry.
However, lithium battery poses considerable risk: the short circuit or
overheating of the internal battery will potentially results in an explosion.
For this reason, it has been classified as Class 9 of dangerous goods. With the increasing popularity of
lithium batteries, its production technology has undergone a rapid
development. Recently, a battery manufacturer is inventing a machine which is
competent to perform high-speed production battery cells within 2-10 seconds.
The technology will significantly reduce manufacturing costs as mass
production becomes possible. Furthermore, the new technology can greatly
raise the battery energy density by doubling the battery capacity of
traditional lithium batteries. 香港物流業轉型 是危機或是契機? 近年,中國多個一線城市重點發展其機場及港口,計劃於世界物流業分一杯羹。作為香港經濟四大支柱之一,物流業為謀求出路,將發展重心偏向轉運高價值或需特別處理的貨物;唯因缺乏相應基建配合,未能成功轉型。香港物流業要保持龍頭地位,必須邁向專業化,否則隨時進入寒冬時期。有危亦有機,此等時刻也有初開蓓蕾,有望帶領物流業再歷春天。 中國民航局去年在國內正式實施新修訂的《中國民用航空危險品運輸管理》規定,加強危險品運輸的安全管理;但新措施並未優化有關危險品申報及檢查程序,令整個程序更繁鎖、需時冗長。由於本港現行相關條例是參照國際民航組織的規定,報關、通關等流程較為省時便利,因此大批廠家視香港為貨物中轉站,繼續將大量鋰電池及相關產品(包括手機電池、移動充電寶及電子煙等,實屬第九類危險品)出口至本港再轉運外地。據中國化學與物理電源行業協會統計,2014年中國鋰電池產品銷售業收入達715億元,比2013年的590億元增長21.1%。按業界估計,現時每月的空運貨物中,含鋰電池的貨物佔總值約30 - 40%,利潤可觀。隨著世界對鋰電池需求有增無減,本港物流業理應無後顧之憂,但此機遇卻潛藏暗湧。 現時,本港對空運鋰電池之安全管制存有漏洞。鑒於中國是民用鋰電池的主要生產地,並由國內發貨,加上供應鏈多層合併的運作模式,導致隱藏危險品、沒有正確申報、漏報或錯報等問題日趨嚴重。更甚,層出不窮的冒牌鋰電池或經重新包裝的鋰電池貨物教人難以區別,令涉及鋰電池的意外有上升趨勢,尤如對本港貨運業佈下無聲「地雷」,致航空安全受到莫大威脅。 2006年2月,快遞公司UPS的一架貨機在三萬多呎高空突然冒煙起火,貨機緊急降落費城國際機場後燃燒了四小時,不但嚴重損毀,而且令三名機組人員受傷。經美國國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB) 調查,事故原因是貨機所運輸的手提電腦中之鋰離子電池未有正確包裝及儲存。國際航空運輸協會 (IATA) 指,截至本年七月一日,全球已有28間航空公司主動停止其客機運載大量鋰電池貨物。美國飛機生產廠「波音公司」最近亦發出警告,建議全球航空公司勿容許旗下客機空運鋰電池貨櫃,避免釀成嚴重空難。 有見及此,供應鏈保安協會始創「空運鋰電池證書」(Lithium Battery Certification for Air Transport,
Li-CAT),針對業界對空運鋰電池之專業操作規範,加強其正確安全意識。此計劃包括制定及採取各措施,確保誠實、負責任的供應鏈持份者之安全,從而減低空運鋰電池對航空界的潛在威脅,令業界能在安全情況下把握商機,化危為機,保持競爭力。計劃首階段先接受貨運代理公司入紙申請,由本年五月推出至今,協會接獲眾多查詢及申請,經過嚴謹批核及實地審視後,最終篩選出超過十間公司列入計劃首批獲認證的企業名單。 由該協會主辦的「空運鋰電池證書頒獎典禮午餐會」擬於2015年10月14日舉行。當日將頒發獎狀予首批獲認證的物流運輸公司,以嘉許其公司對處理鋰電池時採取之安全程序及措施。午餐會除了舉行頒獎典禮外,亦邀請了演講嘉賓,闡述2016年空運鋰電池的趨勢和新指引,業界可藉此了解空運鋰電池之最新資訊。此外,獲認證的公司亦將於會上分享空運鋰電池的經驗及其帶來的國際商機。透過行家互相交流,汲取實際經驗,更能有效減低鋰電池的意外發生。 協會副主席彭偉樂先生期望是次午餐會能作一平台,讓業界透過互相分享鋰電池的最佳處理程序,更有效減低意外發生。他相信此舉等同業界一次自強運動,以民間力量強化愈見依賴跨境物流的貨運業,培養更多專業處理各類特別貨品的專才,替本地物流貨運業尋求新曙光。另外,他亦視是次頒獎禮為十一月舉辦「鋰電池安全月」之前奏。該會即將透過一連串推廣活動,全面加強業界對空運鋰電池的專業意識,呼籲各屆人士積極參與支持。 鋰電池小知識: 鋰電池 (Lithium battery) 和鋰離子電池
(Lithium-ion battery) ,前者為一次性使用的電池,後者為可重複充電的電池;由於其質量輕,具高能量密度及放電功率,適用溫度也很廣,因此廣泛應用於消費類電子產品,包括手機電池、移動充電寶、數碼相機、平版電腦及電子煙等,亦可用於軍事,純電動汽車和航空航天應用;但鋰電池具相當的危險性:如電池內部短路放電或過熱會造成爆炸,已被列為第九類危險品。 隨着鋰電池的應用愈見普及,其生產技術快速發展。最近有電池生產商指正研發一種機器,能在2-10秒高速生產電池芯,透過大量生產以減低成本;另外,新技術能大幅提高電池物料的能量密度,將電池容量從傳統鋰電池提升接近一倍。 參考資料 References: “Boeing Warns Carriers About
Flying Bulk Shipments of Lithium Batteries” sourced from “Boeing warns airlines against
flying battery shipments” sourced from “波音警告 客機勿運大量鋰電池” 源自 “2014年中國鋰電池市場規模為715億元同增21.1%”源自 聯絡資料 Contact: Ms. Flora Chan Supply Chain Safety & Security
Association Room 1715, Block A, 36 Aupuiwan
Street, ShaTin, Hong Kong, 香港沙田坳背灣街36號A座1715室 Telephone Fax Email 1),
(2015). HK forwarders act locally to establish lithium battery air cargo
code. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 7 Oct. 2015]. |